Business Partner Processing:
• All businesses that establish a merchant account with the Credit Card Authority will receive a rebate equal to 10% of the income generated from their processing fees. (Businesses with competitive pricing and fees of $3000-5000 per month would receive approximately $50-60 per month).
• For every referral, a business processing with CCA sends us that establishes a merchant account and actively processes the referring businesses rebate increases by 2% (ie 5 referrals equals a 20% rebate.). In addition to increasing the rebate the merchant is getting back on their processing, they will also receive 10% of the net income on any referred accounts that establish a merchant account with the Credit Card Authority.
• After hitting the 5 referral mark the rebate on the referred accounts increases to 20%. Each successive 5 referrals will increase the rebate by 10% up to 40% at 15 referrals. To get the referred account rebate to 50% the referring merchant would need to get to 25 referred accounts to achieve this rebate level. (Businesses with competitive pricing and fees of $3000-5000 per month would receive approximately $7000-9000 per month with all rebates) .
• After hitting the 25 referral mark all referred accounts will be at a 50/50 revenue share with the referring merchant receiving that rebate monthly as long as they are processing with the Credit Card Authority. The merchants' rebate on their own processing will top out at 70% once they have referred 30 merchants, and remain there for the life of their merchant account with the Credit Card Authority.