We understand that you may think that anyone can process credit cards, but here at the Credit Card Authority,
we specialize not only in offering competitive rates and also quality support from our US-Based team.
Whether you are looking to start a new account or are considering transferring an existing account, we are here to serve you. Simply complete the FREE ESTIMATEto tell us a little about your business and we will process your request.
“The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your back pocket.”
—Will Rogers
Given the challenges all businesses are facing since the unprecedented Covid 19 pandemic hit, we have developed our “Business Partner Processing” program to help merchants reduce or eliminate entirely their credit card processing fees. The program works by giving back to merchants a minimum of 10% of the income The Credit Card Authority earns from their credit card processing each month.
The program also allows businesses to get money back on the card payments they make to suppliers and vendors. The majority of all businesses use corporate credit cards in that manner so they are maximizing the rewards on them. Another benefit of the program is by us getting those vendors into the program, the percentage you get back on your processing increases by 2% per vendor.
All businesses that accept credit cards know their merchant processing is in high demand given the number of solicitations they get on a daily basis. This is one of the main reasons we developed this program to allow merchants to be rewarded for choosing the most competitive vendor for their merchant services.
The Credit Card Authority has a 100% US-based support team, all of whom have been trained by industry veterans like myself with 20+ years’ experience in the merchant services industry. Stop giving away your processing to the lowest bidder, and turn your merchant services into a positive cash flow each and every month!!